PETER MAFFAY ROCKS!       "Komm in meine Oase..."

Peter Maffay
Peter MaffayPeter's HarleyTabaluga & Lilli auf die BuhneMaffay 1996 TourPeter MaffayLaut & Leise Tour 2005 

If music is the universal language, Peter Maffay is the ultimate linguist. He is a naturally gifted singer who posesses a rich, resonant, voice with considerable range and power. Maffay has the innate ability to blend his vibrant vocal timbre, depth of soul, and artistry with cool confidence. The variety of  exciting compositions and arrangements, precise tempos, and skilled musicians, combine with Maffay's voice and unique style to make complete and exellent albums. Peter Maffay's career has spanned more than 30 years and where many stars have faded, Maffay is brighter than ever.

All Maffay band members are highly skilled, individually successful musicians. With 19 or more of his albums platinum and beyond, Peter Maffay is indisputably the greatest German rock star ever. Had the fourteen year old, Peter Alexander Makkay, and his parents had been granted visas to join relatives already living in the United States, it is entirely conceivable that Peter Maffay would be known today as the world's greatest rock star. Peter Maffay is simply, the best.

Peter Maffay Rocks!

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Stark ist, Wer Mehr Träume hat als die Realität Zerstören Kann
One who has more dreams than reality can destroy is strong- Peter Maffay

Ich spreche nicht Deutsch, aber ich spreche fließend Maffay. Musik und Worte, die wahrlich aufrichtig von Herz und Seele dieses Mannes kommen." Stimme und Stil dieses wahren Meisters können hart wie ein Blitz und weich wie Kerzenlicht sein. Maffay ist voller Energie, innovativ und fesselnd. Dieser kraftvolle Künstler wirkt sowohl aufregend als auch beruhigend auf die Seele.

I don't speak German, but I do speak fluent Maffay: Music and words truly from the heart and soul of the man. The voice and style of this master craftsman can be hard as lightning, soft as candlelight. Maffay is energetic, innovative, and captivating. This dynamic artist excites the spirit and calms the soul . He is der Mann für alles (The man for everything)

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